Thursday 6 December 2018

September 16 - Saints of the Day!

(Princess of  Czechia, daughter of Prince Slavibor, wife of Duke Borivoj. parents of six kids including prince Spytihnev, prince Vraislav & grandmother of St Wenceslaus (son of V & Drahomira) ...African Latin Catholic Rite. Czech Byzantine Catholic Rite. )

(Daughter of the duke of Adalbert, sister of Attala & Abbess Gundlinda, niece of St Odile, and Abbess Hohenburg. African Latin Catholic Rite. Latin ROman Catholic Rite)

(Daughter of King Edgar & St Wilfrida . African Latin Catholic Rite. Greek Byzantine Catholic Rite. Celtic Latin Catholic RIte. Anglicanorum Coetibus Latin Roman Catholic Rite )

St Dulcissima of Sutri
(Virgin and Martyr in Italy. African Latin Catholic Rite. Latin ROman Catholic Rite)

St Euphemia
(Virgin and Martyr. African Latin Catholic Rite. Mozarabic Latin Catholic Rite. Greek Byzantine Catholic RIte)

St Stephen of Perugia
(Abbot of St Peter in Italy. African Latin Catholic Rite. Greek Byzantine Catholic Rite)

St Cyprian of Carthage
(African Latin Catholic Rite)

St Abundius
(Roman Martyr. Greek Byzantine Catholic Rite. African Latin Catholic Rite)

Pope St Cornelius
(Latin Roman Catholic Rite. African Latin Catholic Rite)

St Abundantius
(Roman Martyr. African Latin Catholic Rite.Greek Byzantine Catholic Rite)

(Latin Roman Catholic Rite. African Latin Catholic Rite)

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