Sunday, 21 July 2013

133 Days - 152 Poems - 20 Posts (Poems 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48)

Hello Readers,

here is my update of the last two days...

July 19, 2013
      Poem 43 was inspired by the upcoming preparation for World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, and the preparations for the World Youth Day at Home that Western Canada, Alberta, Calgary is hosting for all those
who are not able to attend World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro this year. I found myself reminiscing over the
blessings I have had to attend quite a few. It's a Haiku poem. Countdown: 135 - 157- 20

      Poem 44 was inspired by God's Love when we surrender for Him, and how many things we have attached ourselves too that are no good for us. I witness the grace of having our good Lord clean me today. Today made me realise that deliverance does not happen without surrender. It's a Haiku poem. Countdown 135 - 156 -20

      Poem 45 was inspired by the fact that to put on Christ is walk new every day; its like the renewal of our baptismal vows again and again. It is like a summer knocking at our doors with a fresh wind of hope. It's a Haiku poem. Countdown 135 -155 - 20

July  20, 2013

Poem 46 was inspired by the wisdom I gained from the bus driver today. It made me realise that life is a ride, and there is so much to learn; we choose what ride it will be - a wise ride or a wild ride. Countdown: 134 - 154 -20

July 21, 2013
Today's poems 47 (133-153-20) and 48 (133-152-20) are again inspired by World Youth Day, but more specifically by the one who started it Pope John Paul II - I found myself pondering on some of his words to young people, of the impact that such gathering has in our life when we simply open ourselves to partake in it. Yet I can sense that I have within me to write more tonight; if I do so, I will update you tomorrow evening.

Stay tuned as the poem of that was picked gets posted. 

Countdown: 133 Days -152 Poems - 20 Poems left to post.

Thank You

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