Wednesday, 17 December 2014

The psalmist whispered...

Where are you my Lord?
In the storms of my thoughts
and the tumultuous tempest
Of you the psalmist whispered
 ‘Seek His Face!’

Where are you my Lord?
Reaching out to me in my wretchedness
breathe your Word of Faith into me anew
wash away my insecurities
seal me in your will’s purity
and clothed with your confidence
Au Revoir, I’ll sing
to the broken fences
I’ve not seen yet
yet I renew my trust
in the promises
you spoke.

©Fanny Magnificat a.k.a Fanny L. Tamegnon is also the author of ... True Amazone...  For your copy, visit Chapters, Barnes & Noble, Kalahari, amazon, etc.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Holiness I desire

My Lord and my God
at times I wonder if truly
I comprehend how much
I mean to you
The more I desire holiness
the more I am aware of
my unceasing sinfulness
O how sensitive has become
this soul of mine who no more
tolerate lengthy time away from
the Sacrament of Reconciliation
my one in depth spiritual shower
through which I forget the Love
you are pouring on me
Wash me again
in your Precious Blood!
Wash me Lord!
Wash me Pure
for you

©Fanny Magnificat a.k.a Fanny L. Tamegnon is also the author of ... True Amazone...  For your copy, visit Chapters, Barnes & Noble, Kalahari, amazon, etc.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Synthesis of Reasons

Crisis of comparisons
Genesis of reconciliations
Emphasis of seasons

Arthritis of the sons
Basis of treasons
Broccolis of nations

Cosmopolis in tons
Diastasis of situations
Hypodermis of tensions

Hypothesis of reactions
Kakis of generations
Microanalysis of creations

Psoriasis of sanctions
Safaris of fashions
Taxis of lions

Tsunamis of stations
Urinalysis of collections
Zucchinis of mansions

©Fanny Magnificat a.k.a Fanny L. Tamegnon is also the author of ... True Amazone...  For your copy, visit Chapters, Barnes & Noble, Kalahari, amazon, etc.

Monday, 6 October 2014

Mes Rêves...

Si c’était vrai
Que le bonheur s’achète au marché
Je serais la premiere à m’en procurer
Pour réaliser mes vœux.

Si c’était vrai
Que la maladie n’existait pas
Je le dirais sur tous les toits
Afin qu’en eux, les hommes aient la joie.

Si c’était vrai
Que les animaux pouvaient parler
Je suis sure qu’ils nous dénonceraient
Et qu’en réparant nos torts, nous les aiderions

Si c’était vrai
Que la vie était sans problèmes
Je crois qu’il n’y aurait plus de guerres
Alors les hommes vivront dans la paix.

Si c’était vrai
Que l’égalité des races existait
Je pense que plus personne ne serait inferieur
Et la couleur de la peau importerait peu

©Fanny Magnificat a.k.a Fanny L. Tamegnon is also the author of ... True Amazone...  For your copy, visit Chapters, Barnes & Noble, Kalahari, amazon, etc.

En cet instant...

Le soleil frappait
Gaiement je marchais

Sans vraiment savoir ce qui arriverait
La joie de ce moment nous remplissait
Tous les trois nous cheminions
Evoquant cette journẻe de cours

L’espace d’un instant je l’aperçus
Depuis des jours je ne l’avais vu
Du moins depuis mon retour

Il ne paraissait pas seulement rayonnant
Mais il éblouissait sous ce soleil luisant
Avec aux extrêmes son visage souriant

Mon bonheur n’en fut plus qu’énorme
Malgré toute la maîtrise que je gardais
Je le savais uniquement moi
Tout simplement et uniquement moi

Fanny L. TamegnonJe le savais ce qui se passait
Je le devinais ce qui m’arrivait

Mais ce n’était que moi
Qui le saisissait en cet instant...

©Fanny Magnificat a.k.a Fanny L. Tamegnon is also the author of ... True Amazone...  For your copy, visit Chapters, Barnes & Noble, Kalahari, amazon, etc...

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina
Speak your mind silence 
Be in awe again

Lectio Divina
Speak your heart focus
Let the word plant you

Lectio Divina
Meditation of the Word
dive in and blossom

Lectio Divina
beyond reading a present
bough of knowledge

Lectio Divina
Philharmonic Orchestra
of your pain of your joy

Lectio Divina
intenser than mere yoga
harmony builder

Lectio Divina
spiritual senses cleanser
plunge for wonders

Lectio Divina
deep persona renewal
be in wisdom land

Lectio Divina
Immense dose of piety
A touch of heaven

©Fanny Magnificat a.k.a Fanny L. Tamegnon is also the author of ... True Amazone...  For your copy, visit Chapters, Barnes & Noble, Kalahari, amazon

Monday, 8 September 2014

The feast of the Nativity of Our Lady; A Special day for me!

   I was simply going to wish you Happy Feast, but the Holy Spirit's been convicting me much this morning to share a bit more with you... 

   You see 8 years , on Sep 2, 2006, before the Blessed Sacrament at St Anthony Adoration Chapel in Calgary, I was asked to step up my vows of Chastity. Say what? I thought to myself. See when you're single (not legal status), but I mean perfectly single and our Lord bestows such call on you; you all cool with that. BUT! When you in a relationship, that just doesn't fly. So what you going to do? Act deaf and do you? 
or Surrender and do Him?  Long story short, I went from 'my imagination is playing tricks on me' mindset to how on earth will I tell my beau about this?  Yep, today it is clear that the path I was on was an illusion, a carbon copy of the path that He, my Lord, has set for me that I am yet to discover. So to make a long story short, our Lady convicted me first that night through a series of events.  I did not sleep much. Then the heavenly court prepared the way for the conversation, which eventually occured.

    It seemed alright at first, then the spiritual battle started;  I was hearing biblical verses being used the wrong. What was hidden; the Lord began to shine. Mama Mia! God's been good to me. It was clear we were not on the same page. I still remember praying for courage to trust in the Lord and my Beloved sister he gave me, Cheryl S., kneeling in that battlefield with me...That spiritual battle lasted a week. On Sept 7, 2006, while visiting with one another after the vigil, he asked: 'What if one day you realize that it was never 
GOD who asked such thing of you? what will you do?' Yeah, that is a really good question I thought, but what have I got to lose? So after a moment of silence, I said: 'Well, I would be glad that just like Abraham who was asked to sacrifice His Son, and then was mercifully spared, I obeyed...' Whatever was left of resistance at that moment was broken. My response surprised not just him, but me too...

           The next day, my beloved sister in Christ, who stood by me that week in prayer, in support, as an encourager, came for our weekly morning sisters date mass, and ... on Sept 8, 2006 ...  Eight (8) years ago, my beloved sister in Christ Cheryl and I, sitted side by side, she confident that I had done the right thing no matter what the consequences were to be...women of God, we can be nuts in the Word!  Me emotionally tired and apologetic to our Lady for not bringing her flowers or a gift. Instead of guilt, I was in peace. When mass started. We got to the homily and the priest to speak these words gently but firmly:

            'When someone celebrates their birthday, we give them a gift. 
         Today, the best gift we can give our Lady is - our purity. Let us ask 
             our lady to grant us the grace to give her the gift of purity...' 

and he goes on about how we all need that gift. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. Cheryl was just looking at me with this smile of victory that spelled 'You see! you see! ...' I am sure people wondered that morning how a simple mass can get someone crying so bad. It was bad. Yes, I saw... I saw that it was our Lady's way of saying: Well Done, Child! You already gave me a gift!  Now, I was truly ready to say:'My body is a temple of God, because my head is also included in my body...'

Today, 8 years later, I am overjoyed... "My cup brims over"-Ps.23:5 . Today, eight years later, I reminisce over my life, and It is incredible to see how though I grew up with that constant desire of being a virtuous Lady like our Heavenly mother. As much as I attempted to focus, it was through people that I trusted that I began to drift to the immoral life that the world shines. But our Lady never left me, but slowly brought me back because she knew and still knows that she had to keep rescuing me from myself so that I walk the WAY. As soon I began to walk comfortably the path of chastity, she skyrocketed the goals... So much happened over these eight years which will be for another day's testimonies, but again...It is the only way for God's Will to be done...

Today! Eight years later, it is great to say that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Today, eight years later, as I am still led in my journey; those vows of Extreme Chastity have rescued me from myself again and again until I learned next to be patient with myself (another testimony for another day). Eight years later, I am not done coming across, hearing, connecting with single women in my city and across the nation  including celebrities such as Mandisa, who no matter where they've been in life are daily striving to be virtuous women. For me, I can only praise the Lord for the gift of His mother in my life. To further hear testimonies of couples in my own city, on twitter and of Christian celebrities such as Janette...ikz and her soon To-Be-husband, I am grateful to have answered in obedience like Abraham  to put on Extreme Chastity:-)... Eight later, I reminisce on testimonies heard in my community, on EWTN, read on sites such as The Catholic Gentleman of males who are not just walking the path of purity, but who are even striving in patience to be complete in the Lord, are serving him such as Eduardo Verastegui, and have clothed themselves with the attire 'No Kissing Till Marriage ...' rule. For all this today, I say ... Praise be to God!!!

The journey is not done; it's been a rocky but beautiful road of striving toward holiness and faithfulness, but I look back and I can only be thankful of how far she led me in the Lord. Every day, I put on my dress of Extreme Chastity :-), so that our Lady may continue to teach to come worthily before the presence of my Lord. Every day, I put on my Royal Attire of Purity so that not just my body but my thoughts, words, and actions spell ---Purity. I know there is only one side of sexuality that is talked about in our society, and it is all 'Feed me now or never', but some of us are  still on the other striving on the path of 'Wait for now. Be blessed later'. 

I wish you and I a Blessed Feast of the Nativity of our Lady, and wherever you at in your life, what gift is our lady asking of you today: "what gift will you give your Heavenly mother today?"

Saturday, 6 September 2014

In His Mind's garden I am classed

In his mind's garden I am classed
I fast, I dream, I seek, I listen at last
In his mind's garden I am classed

O plans for me, in His mind divine He knows!
What a blast to let me lie in grassy meadows!
My future like Hibiscus in the garden tasked
 I plan faithfully; yet longing I grope
 while in your garden sealed I cope,
my mind in the flowers skipping rope
from me lost path to thee rising hope
Comfort and impatience tempt me, elope!
Elope, they rustle seamlessly to lope.

In his mind's garden I am classed
I fast, I dream, I seek, I listen at last
In his mind's garden I am classed

Roses of His thoughts peaceful plans have routed
inscrutable you reform me of all fears alas booted
my Shepherd the tree of his call to me sprouted
voyaging my renewed mind to contentment suited
in His beauteous garden His bettered ways recruited
Holy Mind higher than mine; campfire undisputed

In your garden I am recast
for you declare knowing, as your task,
the plans you have in Mind for me; how vast
forever forward you won't be surpassed
of the past in praise; El Shaddai I stand fast

In his mind's garden I am classed
I fast, I dream, I seek, I listen at last
In his mind's garden I am classed
In His Mind's Garden...
Botanical Garden, Texas - USA. Photography by Princess Fanny Magnificat V

 ©Fanny Magnificat a.k.a Fanny L. Tamegnon is also the author of ... True Amazone...  For your copy, visit Chapters, Barnes & Noble, Kalahari, amazon, etc...

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

New Heights

I am taking a new flight
Reaching new heights
Filled with genuine insights
The Trinity leading the fight
Hallelujah! It is entirely his right.
Standing for your child’s birthright
doctors apathetic to your child blight
Faith prompting us to unveil the bright
our prayers lifted as we face this bullfight
Winning them to life we are by His might.

Genuflecting before this candlelight
Trusting life given is God’s copyright
Of you Lord I beg you are the light
We’re let you the beauty of daylight
more babies today saved of yesternight

 Christians united with deep delight
innocent blood going slowly downright
scales falling mothers eyes like droplight
mama mama I’m as beautiful as earthlight
my smile my hugs to your soul like eyebright.

Listen to me mama your real knight
bedtime stories you read to me by lamplight
forever from yours our lives gone is midnight
as I grow mama together we watch the moonlight
don’t rush mama your decision pray it overnight.
They are lying mama please I am real as penlight
Thank you mother for choosing my life and sticking tight
When I come mama you’ll witness the greatest playwright
Mama my love for you is brighter than the skylight
For standing for you and I forever you are my starlight.
 ©Fanny L. Tamegnon

 ©Fanny Magnificat a.k.a Fanny L. Tamegnon is also the author of ... True Amazone...  For your copy, visit Chapters, Barnes & Noble, Kalahari, amazon, etc.. This poem is a taste of the upcoming 2014 poetry collection #Book2...

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Mon Conseiller!

Des conseillers pullulent nos chemins
Fanny Magnificat/ Fanny L. TamegnonCher ami, comment choisiras TU?

Des conseillers par expertise
rencontreras partout où t'iras

Chère amie, qui écouteras TU?

Des conseillers par proclamation
des conseillers par expérience

Des conseillers par sagesse
des conseillers par profit

Cher ami, qui te guidera?
Qui t'éclairera par ses paroles?

Chère amie, embrasse l'âme 
dont les mots te guideront vers 
               le Christ...

L'Esprit Saint, Notre 

L'Esprit Saint, Mon Conseiller!

©Fanny Magnificat a.k.a Fanny L. Tamegnon is also the author of ... True Amazone...  For your copy, visit Chapters, Barnes & Noble, Kalahari, amazon

A Prayer of Surrender

Wednesday, 13 August 2014


©Fanny Magnificat
One is mumbling
One is murmuring

One is singing
One is gossiping

One is praising
One is complaining

One is reacting
One is yawning

One is kissing
One is blessing

One is shouting
One is whispering

©Fanny Magnificat a.k.a Fanny L. Tamegnon is also the author of ... True Amazone...  For your copy, visit Chapters, Barnes & Noble, Kalahari, amazon, etc...

Mature Love

It is Friendly
      For it creates complicity

It is Caring
      For it cares about your All

It is Just mature
      For it remembers you.

It is Speechless
      For it speaks with the eyes.

It is Faithful
      For it surmount obstacles

It is Risky
      For it teaches you to grow regardless

It is Progressive
     For it helps you realize your dreams as a person

It is Just mature
      For both individuals rely on each other.

It is Strong
     For it has a foundation

It is Confident
     For there is a common ground

It is Love
     For it is mature

©Fanny Magnificat a.k.a Fanny L. Tamegnon is also the author of ... True Amazone...  For your copy, visit Chapters, Barnes & Noble, Kalahari, amazon, etc...

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

I Wake Up...

So long asleep I was
For so long
And so long
A very very time long
Such a time that turned to be long
An increasingly time being too long

It could have been longer
It just stopped
For ages
For years, decades
For months, days
Now I am Up
I wake up
I tremendously shake myself Up
Discovering how much life is within these walls.

Both physically and emotionally protecting me for years
Where was my heavenly Brother then?

I just wake up
Realizing how long out of my sentimental life I left him
He was there for me every single second
my prayers answering and...
Partially in his hands was my love life

Fault of me and these invisible doors
Fault of these guardians I left the control too
And my sweet Lord Jesus at last with him I dealt

He stood By
These doors He helped me break
He woke me Up

So now I could say

I wake Up...
My invisible barriers,
Doors, mountains, seas
Oceans, continents never
Stopped pain from reaching me

I was on the edge
Thinking to myself that everything was fine
Sure they were the best guards
Increasing more and more their heights and depths
Their widths and sizes and averages

Oh Lord

To go through this break up it took me
To cross so many rivers it took me
To travel so far I needed
To myself find alone in such a city
Necessary it was
Before it hits me
Before I wake up
Before to you I turn entirely
Before the break of dawn

You all that time was the best guardian
You all that time through that pain helped me

Doors were on the floors
Because of you

Definitely and eternally
I Wake Up
I am up
I am Foundation
Up, Up and Up

©Fanny Magnificat a.k.a Fanny L. Tamegnon ... For your copy of True Amazone, visit Chapters, Barnes & Noble, Kalahari, etc...

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

My Father...

Enriched within
I am wealthy in and out
King is My Father

I belong to you
Through Baptism My Father
Princess I am 

        ©FannyMagnificat- is also the author of  True Amazone available at B&N, Chapters, iTunes, Kalahari, amazon... 

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Faithful Love...

Stand! Be courageous!

Praise! Walk with faith!

Listen! Hear the Holy Spirit!

Preach! Your actions speak volume!

Sing! Let the Angels compose hymns!

Dance! Before Him you stand like King David!

For our God is Faithful and...

Everlasting is His Love...

Fanny Magnificat - is the author of  True Amazone available - B&N, Chapters, iTunes, Kalahari, amazon... 

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Peace I give you...

Peace I  leave you
My Peace I give you

A Peace forever absolute
Held in the Virgin's arms
Queen of Peace pray for us

Peace spells around little me
Witness of its fitted depths
Peace has won me over

Peace my sweet breakfast
Peace my glamorous red carpet
Peace spells around little me

Peace spells around little me
Peace indescribable ritual of mercy
Peace sculpted in Gregorian chants

Peace divinely fleshed of Isaiah's mouth
Peace Yahweh gives of Chapter 66:12

Look I am going to send peace flowing 
over her like a river, and like a stream 
in spate the glory of the nations.

Peace I  leave you
My Peace I give you...

Fanny Magnificat - is the author of  True Amazone available - B&N, Chapters, iTunes, Kalahari, amazon... 

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Beautiful Bird...

Beautiful Bird...

Beautiful black bird
What news do you carry?

Fly not away when I approach
Beautiful black bird poking of joy

Your company is enchanting my ears
Beautiful black bird sing again

Beautiful Black Bird
What song is of your composition?

Beautiful Black Bird
your choir chanting in perfect harmony...

Beautiful Black Bird...
Beautiful Bird...
Black Bird... 

Fanny Magnificat - is also the author of  True Amazone available on B&N, Chapters, iTunes, kalahari, amazon...

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

To My Son

----- To My Son

Son respect women
Honor them from Jesus' Heart
Son Be St Joseph

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

The Year of the Stretch, The Lord's Affairs #2

Few days ago,  I close another year in my life. There was something special about reflecting on this past year; I looked back, and undeniably I called it the   Year of the Stretch...

Times and times again, I was challenged to surrender, to trust the Lord, to get out of my comfort zone. Times and times again, God threw my way tests of humility, discipline and of patience in every area of my life. My spiritual director once made me realize that on the path of holiness, one does not need to look for mortification; it will find you. My oh my, mortifications found me. Do I regret it no? I do confess there were times I thought: 'Lord, is there any way I can do for a while without tests, trials and mortifications?' and soon, I would be reminded of the words of Thomas Kempis in Imitation of Christ:

"As long as we live in this world, we cannot be without temptations and tribulations. Hence it is written in Job -Man's life on earth is a temptation.- Everyone therefore should be solicitous about his temptations and watch in prayer (....) Netherless, temptations are very profitable to man, troublesome and grievous  though they may be, for in them a man is humbled, purified and instructed... " -Bk 1, ch 13

Needless to say, prayer at times translated into seasons of silence and pondering or into seasons of full bast singing wholeheartedly. Other times, praying was like sitting with your best friend and giving him a piece of your mind :-) Through it all, God sustained me to keep moving forward. The fruits of it definitively showed everywhere else.

Some of the fruits were for me to reconnect with my gift of writing. Unless a talent is polished, it does not get better. So here am I writing poetry again, and as encouraged by some of my precious sisters in Christ, I've also now began to share with you tidbits of my journey with the Lord. Some of the fruits were also to choose to do few things well rather than being in all tomatoe sauces; this was a difficult one, but I learned to let the Lord make the final call. and many more fruits yet to unfold ...

What has the Lord in store for me in this upcoming year? I do not know, but as we journey together, we will witness together. We will laugh together, cry together, shout together, and above continue to praise Him in every circumstance.

Fanny Magnificat, The Lord's Affairs #2

Monday, 17 March 2014

Ping Pong, the Lord's Affairs #1

                 Growing up, I was exposed to many sports; badminton, volleyball, Fuzzball, ping pong, swimming, etc... yet three became my favorites: Tennis, Basketball, and soccer, and one - Ping Pong - remained an intriguing sport to me, and one I failed to be good at. Having played tennis for many years, I often felt uncomfortable with Ping Pong; the ball was so light and I believe to be introduced to Tennis first made me approach the game with unrealistic expectations. Therefore, not having the patience to lean it, I soon gave up playing it.

Years later, as I reminisce at how often I struggled with God's call in different areas of my life, I see that at times it seemed easy. Other times, the process of surrender to His will was often after a series of emotional ping pongs: him calling was a whisper just as the ping pong ball was very light. Times when the call seemed strange to me, or out of the ordinary, or uncommon, unfamiliar, out of my comfort zone, I would be tempted to default to 'the other option' or else 'what seemed familiar territory'. Yet, our good Lord in His infinite mercy would find a way to keep me still. I can tell you these were not fun moments; I would be restless until peace found me. In instances, I actually gave in to the other option, it was not long before the Holy Spirit exposes me to myself. Then Peace would fill me slowly but surely until I accept to walk on water like Peter by His power.  Even in such times, when I would begin walking on water, and be swept away by the winds of Doubt, our Lord would and still finds a way to get me to keep my gaze on Him rather than the winds of discouragement or comfort. Today as I look back throughout our faith heritage, it might have seemed easy whenever God called, but it was actually never easy.
When God called Abraham, it was not easy but he responded; today in our generation a typical response will go like this 'Heavenly Father, I am growing old, and I am just looking to die in peace. I do not need people calling me crazy in my old age'. When God called Moses, it was not easy but he also responded. When God chose Esther to deliver her people, it was not easy but she responded. She prayed and fasted for three days before coming to the King. When God called Mary, it was not easy at all. She even to the Angel Gabriel, 'but how can this be?', yet she surrendered with these words: 'Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your word' (Lk 1:38). mmm... the Call! God's Call! When God called Joseph, it was not easy! But again, he responded. When Jesus called the twelve, it was not easy but they carried on their mission till the ends of the earth. When Jesus called Peter to walk on water, it was not just easy, it was surreal, but he answered, and our good Lord Jesus was with him. A wise man once told: 'Child, remember that God will always take you out of your comfort zone, but He will never put you to shame.' 
What is it that God is calling you to? Truth is when God calls us, it is never easy, and it will never be easy. We tend to come up with many excuses. Or we say Yes, and we are ready to run in other directions. We want to take our legs, and borrow our family members legs, and we speed like lightning; yet who can hide from God? We shake like Shakespeare! Now, I like you am reminding us that whether we children or adults, He calls. Whether we working in a career or working from home or at home, He calls. Whether married, religious or single; He calls. There is no where, we can hide from Him. Wrestle if you must like Jonah. Pray and fast if you must.Cry out. Shed tears. Pace back and forth: He will confirm it, affirm it or infirm it. At times, you may stand alone like Mother Teresa, simply believe like her that He who calls will provide. Yet avoid eternal ping pong series, and surrender at last. Time is of essence. We are wanted to live out loud our baptism call, thus let us go with His words tattooed on our soul:
"Trust wholeheartedly in Yahweh, put no faith in your own perception; acknowledge him in every course you take, and he will see that your paths are smooth"(NJB Prov 3:5-6).
Let us therefore go in confidence encouraged by one another that Our Heavenly Father will never fail us because He who created us has already outline His Divine Plan for us (Jer 29:11). No matter how hard it gets, let us walk in prayer, and trusting that He gave us His Word (Ps.12:6).

           -Fanny Magnificat, the Lord's Affairs #1 

Friday, 7 March 2014

Forty Days of Prayer

Oh precious season
Season of interior change
O precious change
we hail this season of Lent

Forty days of prayer
Spiritual muscles we build
Talking to God our counselor
we heart Jesus whisper to us
'Dearest, watch an hour with me'
Oh how our soul delights of
the communion with her beloved

Oh precious season
Season of interior change
O precious change
we hail this season of Lent

Forty days of prayer
Embracing sweetly meditation
Adoration and Lectio Divina
tenderly drawing me nearer to you
lest we walk with Our Lady rooted
in continual mental prayer strengthened
from our daily mortification in all things

Oh precious season
Season of interior change
O precious change
we hail this season of Lent


Monday, 27 January 2014

Lève toi, O Père

Lève toi, O Père
Ne m'abandonne point.

Lève toi, O Père
Protège moi des calamités

Lève toi, O Père
Etend tes mains puissantes. 

Lève toi, O Père
Défend moi par ton amour éternel.

Eh Oui, Leve toi.
O Père Éternel, lève toi.


Thursday, 2 January 2014

Enthroned Forever

Enthroned Forever

Abba Father
         all things belong to you
Abba Father
         Creation breathes your Majesty

Adoring you is our duty
You are King enthroned forever

Father God
          Who are we human beings?
Father God
          Why do you spare a thought for us?

We are wretched souls
You are King enthroned forever

Heavenly Father
         The Heavens points to your love
Heavenly Father
          My Brethren reflect your image

we your beloved created at your image
You are King enthroned forever

Lord of all Lords
          No mind can fathom the depths of your love
Lord of all Lords
         United to you our hearts explode your compassion

No measure to your heart
You are King enthroned forever
