Thursday, 31 December 2015

Welcome 2016 !!!

Every year, I long to hear these words during the Eucharist celebration of January 1st:

 "As for Mary, she treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart.

Whomever asks for my favorite, one-liner biblical verse knows that even if you pinch me at night in my dreams, I will cite Luke 2:19. 
This year again, I have the privilege to hear it. It always resonates differently in my ears. It is incredible how Our Lady didn't brag when the shepherds narrated to her what the angel had told them. She just listens, and she ponders. It is so bizarre because with Elizabeth, she bursted open the Magnificat. She doesn't say; 'Yah, indeed my Son is God, etc...' No, she ponders. 

If it was I, I would have been like: 'Really? Praise The Lord! Halelluja! My Beloved (talking about Joseph) you see? You see? Our God is good now! Ha! Our sufferings are not wasted! I wish the people who did not give us a place could hear this. Ha! Praise the Lord. People of God, dance with me now! God is mighty! Please my shepherds, tell me more... details for details. Repeat line for line, yadaddi yadadda... etc...
hehe! Yeah, that would have probably been me. Nay! She remains quiet, and every year I am reminded of that precious gift of hers. For me, it has become a season of learning about timing; When do I speak? and when do I speak not? Who do I talk to? and who do I withhold from? How much details do I give? Is this the right time? It is an art. Whenever I face this, I remember the Scripture 'Be Still and know that I am God' (ps. 46.10)
This is serious exercise for me, because I love to share God's wonders in my life...  On the other hand, I began to learn the consequences of sharing before God's time. It bothered me so much that I began to wonder why Our lady kept to herself for 33 years that her Son is divine. So I been learning the art of pondering! That pondering gift of hers worked me, works me, and probably will for the rest of my days. So here we are again... January 1st,the feast of our Blessed Mother Mary, Mother of God! Let us faithfully sit at her feet hoping that she could unfold further the fruits of that virtue in my life, and in our life. Enjoy this little token!
I wish you a Blessed Christmas Season. May our Lady intercedes ever more for each one of us, and with you, I welcome 2016!!!

Fanny Magnificat

Monday, 7 December 2015

In My Thoughts...

Confiteor: I confess to Almighty God,
and to you my brothers and sisters 
that I have sinned
in my thoughts...

Hold up here for a moment!
After complaining to my parents over the years about understand why my blessings were not coming to me like everyone else, and after wondering why the more I walked with our Lord, the harder things got at times. Yet when Jesus would unleash the fullness his blessings for me, it was often more than I had dreamed of. Still I would wrestle with it. I finally resolved myself to reporting once Jesus to my spiritual director. His words dropped like Wasabi (Japanese pepper). It was one of those moments when you sense clearly that it is not the priest, but Jesus Himself who just spoke to you, and you realize that you just reported Jesus to Jesus! That day it became clear that mortifications have been much part of my upbringing, liked me too much, and were not ready to part from me. So I learned that day that whether I searched for them or not, my dear mortifications would always find me. As hard as there are, I have been challenged to grow in the way of the Lord through them. I, later, came to discover that you cannot be a Beloved daughter of Our Lady and be exempt of mortifications. Great! 
But what are mortifications?
The New Catholic Encyclopedia defines mortification as a “…deliberate restraint that one places on natural impulses in order to make them increasingly subject to sanctification through obedience to reason illumined by Faith… And so mortification… has become a distinguishing mark of those who are Christ’s…”[1]. As per St John Paul II in one of his letter to priests, these  “…forms of penance – which, unfortunately, our times are not accustomed to (have for ) motives: the love of God and the conversion of sinners.”[2] Therefore, when we embrace mortification in our life, it is because we ourselves desire to grow closer to the Lord. You’ll be tried, but you know at as long as you stick with God like Job, you’ll come out more victorious; shining more Christ for the world. When we welcome mortification, it is because our Lord’s ultimate goal is to sanctify us and perfect our communion with him. Jesus himself in the Scriptures clearly said “If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross every day and follow me.” (Lk 9:23)[3]

Now going back to the Confiteor, every Sunday or every day at mass, we get through it either profoundly considering its every word, or routinely reciting through it. Yet, there is one line that tends to get to me, and that line broken down has had even more impact in my life when I was introduced to a specific type of mortification; Mortification of the Mind

I still remember as if it was yesterday the day Jesus, through the priest, gave me for spiritual exercise to practice 'Mortification of Mind'.  My thoughts went racing in all directions. It was the weirdest experience ever. It is almost as if my brain felt threatened for a moment; a moment that lasted a whole day. It was so bad, and so unusual that I was not able to study and went straight to bed in the middle of the afternoon. However, as the fruits of it unfolded over the days, weeks, and months to come, this type of mortification has become my best friend, my ally. I can no longer part from it, as I see that it is necessary for me every jiffy of the day. It literally helps me deal any other mortification that comes my way. It’s been blessing me again and again to live out in a concrete manner the words of the apostle Paul to the Romans: 'Do not model your behaviour on the contemporary world, but let the renewing of your mind transform you, so that you may discern for yourself what is the will of God - what is good and acceptable and mature.' (12:2)

There is so much I wish to share in terms of how I did benefit from it. However, let me say that the ongoing practice of disciplining my mind has rescued me from sabotaging myself when I expected it the least, and on the other hand has given me the courage to seek both God’s will and walk into it at other times. It has challenged me to trust God’s time and purpose rather than live in my mind my relationship with others. As a single,  it is so easy to get sidetracked and want to do your own thing. So as a Lady-In- Waiting, I would constantly find myself running now to God’s arms to seek to understand God’s purpose when it comes to others before drawing conclusion. Other times, if there is no answer, I’ll let it go until our Lord unfolds the meaning. When my mind attempts to go sideways in a conversation, I’ll start pray or shout loudly ‘Mortification of Mind’ :-)

So imagine when in class last week, my professor mentioned, a few times, struggles affecting both youth, singles and families. The lightbulb went on when she gave the statistics of the amount of Singles that do not transition well from singleness to marriage; it is easily in the eighty percent. At that point, I confess my mind did not stay still. Rather, I caught myself rebuking such statistics, and praying: ‘Oh Heaven no! Mother Mary, you been handling this child, and you must continue to handle my future’s every step because too much has been invested in this child spiritually! Lol!’ Since the focus are not the stats and its consequences, let this be a conversation for another day, and let say this much. I am blessed at school to hear all the amazing stories of the classmates I am surrounded with especially my sisters in Christ during this season of my life. I feel blessed of all I am learning, and how God is using every bit to form me.

Now, for those of us singles walking either as Singles permanently or as Ladies in Waiting, do we present our every decision to the Lord? Do we submit our friendships and/or courtships to the Lord?  Have we asked Him if He’s given permission for the steps ahead? Are we still and moving with the Lord or are we attempting to bypass Him? It is up to Him to open the doors when He wills and how He wills. Until then, the Lord wills of us to continue to walk as Virtuous Ladies. My dear Ladies In Waiting, dying to ourselves and trusting the Heavenly Father to mold our minds will save us from worrying, because training our minds will teach us to seek whether this moment is about us  or about God’s glory. Whether it be intellectual, social, spiritual, issues to be resolved, do we move as the world, or do we pause at the feet of our Lady for counsel? My favorite part, submitting our mind to the discipline of the Holy Spirit even detaches us from stress before our imagination flies to Troubleland... lol, true or truth !?! 
Mortification of Mind for my Sisters and Aunties In Christ can make a difference in your marriages. It delivers us from the temptations of unnecessary arguments or ill accusations in a marriage. There is power in it, because Mortification of Mind, for my sisters, aunties in Christ who are married, will train you and your spouse’ thoughts before we speak them.
Seriously! Because you will learn to fast like Queen Esther before you speak. It will get you to ask yourself: ‘Is this I am seeing what it truly is?’ or an attitude of ‘Lord, I surrender this to you.’ It is powerful to run things through God before we act. Sometimes, He will affirm your walk through Scriptures. Other times, He won’t.

What St Paul is asking of us is hard, but he wants us to let the Holy Spirit convicts us again and again. I've come to personally see Mortification of Mind as my daily intellectual workout. I am not saying that it is the only thing that helps, but I am confident that Our good Lord in his infinite mercy unfolded another depth of the gift of allowing the Holy Spirit to shield our minds through our Lady’s intercession. As challenging as it, you’ll soon realize that this is one of the most amazing gifts God can give us during the seasons of our Singleness. You’ll see that when you compare seasons of your life without it, you are blessed during these days to be clothed with it. I know I've addressed quite a bit my sisters in Christ, but to practice mortifying our minds isn't just for ladies. Therefore, to both my sisters and my brothers in Christ, mortification of mind train us to pray differently, to respond to God differently, to move with God peacefully, patiently and obediently. It will change how you deal with your colleagues at work. Mortifying our minds teaches us to practice Self Control of the mind, of our words and even our actions. It teaches us to see things through the eyes of the Holy Trinity.  Nowadays, Mortification of Mind gives me the strength of a baobab J, so wherever you at in your life, start and share with me how it moves you one day at a time. As we prepare to enter this year of the Jubilee, may God bless us to move through life according to His plan for His greater gloryUnless our minds be trained, we cannot see all He wills for us to see. Therefore, let us be blessed, and unite ourselves with God in Faith, as He continuously challenges us to Be who He's calling us to be. I bet reciting the Confiteor will never be the same again when we go for mass :-)

Fanny Magnificat.

[1] Opus Dei and Corporal mortification,
[2] Letter to Priests on Holy Thursday, March 16, 1986
[3] New Jerusalem Bible