Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina
Speak your mind silence 
Be in awe again

Lectio Divina
Speak your heart focus
Let the word plant you

Lectio Divina
Meditation of the Word
dive in and blossom

Lectio Divina
beyond reading a present
bough of knowledge

Lectio Divina
Philharmonic Orchestra
of your pain of your joy

Lectio Divina
intenser than mere yoga
harmony builder

Lectio Divina
spiritual senses cleanser
plunge for wonders

Lectio Divina
deep persona renewal
be in wisdom land

Lectio Divina
Immense dose of piety
A touch of heaven

©Fanny Magnificat a.k.a Fanny L. Tamegnon is also the author of ... True Amazone...  For your copy, visit Chapters, Barnes & Noble, Kalahari, amazon

Monday, 8 September 2014

The feast of the Nativity of Our Lady; A Special day for me!

   I was simply going to wish you Happy Feast, but the Holy Spirit's been convicting me much this morning to share a bit more with you... 

   You see 8 years , on Sep 2, 2006, before the Blessed Sacrament at St Anthony Adoration Chapel in Calgary, I was asked to step up my vows of Chastity. Say what? I thought to myself. See when you're single (not legal status), but I mean perfectly single and our Lord bestows such call on you; you all cool with that. BUT! When you in a relationship, that just doesn't fly. So what you going to do? Act deaf and do you? 
or Surrender and do Him?  Long story short, I went from 'my imagination is playing tricks on me' mindset to how on earth will I tell my beau about this?  Yep, today it is clear that the path I was on was an illusion, a carbon copy of the path that He, my Lord, has set for me that I am yet to discover. So to make a long story short, our Lady convicted me first that night through a series of events.  I did not sleep much. Then the heavenly court prepared the way for the conversation, which eventually occured.

    It seemed alright at first, then the spiritual battle started;  I was hearing biblical verses being used the wrong. What was hidden; the Lord began to shine. Mama Mia! God's been good to me. It was clear we were not on the same page. I still remember praying for courage to trust in the Lord and my Beloved sister he gave me, Cheryl S., kneeling in that battlefield with me...That spiritual battle lasted a week. On Sept 7, 2006, while visiting with one another after the vigil, he asked: 'What if one day you realize that it was never 
GOD who asked such thing of you? what will you do?' Yeah, that is a really good question I thought, but what have I got to lose? So after a moment of silence, I said: 'Well, I would be glad that just like Abraham who was asked to sacrifice His Son, and then was mercifully spared, I obeyed...' Whatever was left of resistance at that moment was broken. My response surprised not just him, but me too...

           The next day, my beloved sister in Christ, who stood by me that week in prayer, in support, as an encourager, came for our weekly morning sisters date mass, and ... on Sept 8, 2006 ...  Eight (8) years ago, my beloved sister in Christ Cheryl and I, sitted side by side, she confident that I had done the right thing no matter what the consequences were to be...women of God, we can be nuts in the Word!  Me emotionally tired and apologetic to our Lady for not bringing her flowers or a gift. Instead of guilt, I was in peace. When mass started. We got to the homily and the priest to speak these words gently but firmly:

            'When someone celebrates their birthday, we give them a gift. 
         Today, the best gift we can give our Lady is - our purity. Let us ask 
             our lady to grant us the grace to give her the gift of purity...' 

and he goes on about how we all need that gift. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. Cheryl was just looking at me with this smile of victory that spelled 'You see! you see! ...' I am sure people wondered that morning how a simple mass can get someone crying so bad. It was bad. Yes, I saw... I saw that it was our Lady's way of saying: Well Done, Child! You already gave me a gift!  Now, I was truly ready to say:'My body is a temple of God, because my head is also included in my body...'

Today, 8 years later, I am overjoyed... "My cup brims over"-Ps.23:5 . Today, eight years later, I reminisce over my life, and It is incredible to see how though I grew up with that constant desire of being a virtuous Lady like our Heavenly mother. As much as I attempted to focus, it was through people that I trusted that I began to drift to the immoral life that the world shines. But our Lady never left me, but slowly brought me back because she knew and still knows that she had to keep rescuing me from myself so that I walk the WAY. As soon I began to walk comfortably the path of chastity, she skyrocketed the goals... So much happened over these eight years which will be for another day's testimonies, but again...It is the only way for God's Will to be done...

Today! Eight years later, it is great to say that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Today, eight years later, as I am still led in my journey; those vows of Extreme Chastity have rescued me from myself again and again until I learned next to be patient with myself (another testimony for another day). Eight years later, I am not done coming across, hearing, connecting with single women in my city and across the nation  including celebrities such as Mandisa, who no matter where they've been in life are daily striving to be virtuous women. For me, I can only praise the Lord for the gift of His mother in my life. To further hear testimonies of couples in my own city, on twitter and of Christian celebrities such as Janette...ikz and her soon To-Be-husband, I am grateful to have answered in obedience like Abraham  to put on Extreme Chastity:-)... Eight later, I reminisce on testimonies heard in my community, on EWTN, read on sites such as The Catholic Gentleman of males who are not just walking the path of purity, but who are even striving in patience to be complete in the Lord, are serving him such as Eduardo Verastegui, and have clothed themselves with the attire 'No Kissing Till Marriage ...' rule. For all this today, I say ... Praise be to God!!!

The journey is not done; it's been a rocky but beautiful road of striving toward holiness and faithfulness, but I look back and I can only be thankful of how far she led me in the Lord. Every day, I put on my dress of Extreme Chastity :-), so that our Lady may continue to teach to come worthily before the presence of my Lord. Every day, I put on my Royal Attire of Purity so that not just my body but my thoughts, words, and actions spell ---Purity. I know there is only one side of sexuality that is talked about in our society, and it is all 'Feed me now or never', but some of us are  still on the other striving on the path of 'Wait for now. Be blessed later'. 

I wish you and I a Blessed Feast of the Nativity of our Lady, and wherever you at in your life, what gift is our lady asking of you today: "what gift will you give your Heavenly mother today?"

Saturday, 6 September 2014

In His Mind's garden I am classed

In his mind's garden I am classed
I fast, I dream, I seek, I listen at last
In his mind's garden I am classed

O plans for me, in His mind divine He knows!
What a blast to let me lie in grassy meadows!
My future like Hibiscus in the garden tasked
 I plan faithfully; yet longing I grope
 while in your garden sealed I cope,
my mind in the flowers skipping rope
from me lost path to thee rising hope
Comfort and impatience tempt me, elope!
Elope, they rustle seamlessly to lope.

In his mind's garden I am classed
I fast, I dream, I seek, I listen at last
In his mind's garden I am classed

Roses of His thoughts peaceful plans have routed
inscrutable you reform me of all fears alas booted
my Shepherd the tree of his call to me sprouted
voyaging my renewed mind to contentment suited
in His beauteous garden His bettered ways recruited
Holy Mind higher than mine; campfire undisputed

In your garden I am recast
for you declare knowing, as your task,
the plans you have in Mind for me; how vast
forever forward you won't be surpassed
of the past in praise; El Shaddai I stand fast

In his mind's garden I am classed
I fast, I dream, I seek, I listen at last
In his mind's garden I am classed
In His Mind's Garden...
Botanical Garden, Texas - USA. Photography by Princess Fanny Magnificat V

 ©Fanny Magnificat a.k.a Fanny L. Tamegnon is also the author of ... True Amazone...  For your copy, visit Chapters, Barnes & Noble, Kalahari, amazon, etc...