Monday 2 September 2024

FLYBALL, their invention

 In my village

Praying doves known as ... mourning doves

along with 

the squirrels and the black / whites/ navy blue Breves

invented a game one summer


From my window

I watched them taking a break from their daily duties

and play ...FLYBALL...

I'm sure they'd approve

 of the name I gave it

In my city - village,

the birds and the squirrels 

play ...FLYBALL...

It's their invention



 for a copy or copies of my books, click here.. to style yourself in one of my brands, from my clothing line to my skincare or haircare line, each of my videos will take you to a boutique near you

Friday 24 November 2023

Black Friday 2023!

 Greetings one and all...

This is not the blog I had planned for today, but I am glad it is what it is... As the Holy Writ reminds us, mankind plans, but the Creator fers the last word, adds the final touch or / and modifies the plans...

Well, today is Black Friday , so I burnt some incense for you, and it is alllll black...

Here, I have made some Thuja Incense with the abundance of Thuja that grows around my village, and within my parish... 
Well, if you wish to know more about my devotion to St Sealtiel (also known as St Salaphiel ) Archangel, join me and many others  on my youtube channel to pause - ponder - marvel  while incensing.

Have a magnificent Black Friday, and if you haven't read my poem titled...My Blackness... search my blog or get my book by clicking on the word ...Village.. above...

Friday 22 September 2023

Aloe Vera

 Aloe Vera became part of my life over a decade ago when I actually bought the plant itself as an indoor plant not for decoration only, but as well for health purposes.

You see the moment I entered the age of puberty, and my feminity began to manifest itself monthly as my Heavenly had designed my womanhood to be; I was glowing month after month.
In the journey of glowing, I would be faced with a  genuine cross; Dysmenorrhea.
See I was never the type who gets moody during my cycle. I don't become upset or cranky like some women do. However, in my case I could eat things that were too sweet, I would have severe cramps. I had a severe case of Dysmenorrhea. Now I say 'I had' because I was miraculously healed by the Eucharist years later while at Holy Mass. However, the journey from the carrying of my cross to the healing and after the development of a new regiment was very interesting. Fortunately or unfortunately for me, it was often when my cycle was near that I was tempted to have sweets, outside of Brown Sugar in my porridges or Honey that was a routine I had since childhood. It might be subtle, but when you pay close attention to my youtube videos on MEGALUNEI TV, you'll notice in my recipes that I often use these two in recipes. And ... when baking goodies like my Jewish Bread, the closest to white sugar is ... a sugar I discovered recently made of SUGARCANE... And anything sugarcane is my best friend, because I grew eating lots of sugarcane, cracking it in between my teeths. I could cover Sugarcane in an other blog, if it is of interest to anyone. Just let me know in the comment section. 
With a severe case of Dismenorrhea,going to work at times with severe pain was awful.Worse, I was constantly at the pharmacy to buy some pain killers. When I realised that my body was literally saturated with these pain killers, and were not really responding anymore; you see with pain killers, or commonly known here as (Advil, Tylenol),  there is only a certain number that you can take per day. Well, I began to think about other options, meanwhile praying whatever my lips, my mind, my body willed to lift to God in prayer. I must admit that these were days of constant offerings, as I had learned from some of the saints to offer my sufferings for my own salvation & that of souls. Lo behold, such acts of offerings in my case were often incredible spiritual pain killers... interestingly enough! So my grandmother was often coming to mind, and I decided I would research what plants were good fo my situation... I could not ask my maternal Granny since plants in my native land for such were not necessarily in Canada, but having instilled in me the love for natural remedies. I started to investigate, and ALOE VERA  was the first of many to come into my life.  
Although ALOE VERA is great at alleviating the pain, not alleviating the pain, but restoring your hormonal cycle by combating the pains as some write, don't do what I did... I was taking it (the gel) raw  when chopping it bit by bit from the plant, and extracting the gel from within the skin. It is very bitter, but it works, and whenever I took that I didn't have to take any pharmaceutical product.
Now, the proper way others recommend to take handle Aloe Vera in Phytotherapy is to mix the gel extract with something like juice or a drink of some sort. There are many reasons; among them is the risk of being subject to some of the plants' side effects , because the measurement of each intake is not clearly defined.
You see, for me in those days, when I was comparing the pharmaceutical products  to the portions I was taking, I knew that whatever the side effect may be ... it could definitely not be worse than these chronic pains... Well, eventually, I got my own warning from the plant. The side effect I faced was ear ringing... Since I knew about it, the moment it started I modified my intake appr😉ach slowly but surely...
Years have past since my healing, but ALOE VERA has not passed, and Ive tried different methods. I have taken it as juices...

These days when I go to the grocery store or to the dollar store, I get it as a drink; Aloe WATER (something a sister in Christ introduces me too, when I shared how much I love Aloe Vera...)

 Now as much as ALOE VER does wonders within the body, it is also often usen for skincare and haircare... At times, we get ALOE VERA gifts when our family does grocery online, or as gifts from neighbors such as this fine... Irish Spring ALOE VERA SOAP...  

I am always surprised whenever such gifts arrive. In my Black Natural Hair community, many of the women have showed their tesimonials of ALOE VERA's wonders on their hair, and their daughters' hair.... from the making to the application... Here is an example of a little girl & her mother on using ALOE VERA...

 I myself haven't embark on using it for my beautiful black natural hair yet... When it comes to pass, it will definitely be on MEGALUNEI TV, however, I have purchased Shampoo / Conditioner's brands (such as TRES EMME, my current shampoo) that have ALOE VERA in it...

  Now it is not just not just African Women or  Women of African Descent who use it, there are many other women in my Women Outreach Ministries group who have used Aloe Vera, but not as many who trends toward my youtube channel as my African Sisters...  

Thank you for your time... Pax Christi!

for digital copies of my b😅😅ks, or for hardcopies of my b😊😊ks, visit my youtube channel by clicking on my name or below... 

Thursday 22 June 2023

On reading... "...Africae Munus..."

 On reading... 

                          Africae Munus...

an encyclical written by the late Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI with the collaboration of Laymen, Laywomen, African Bishops, Clergy such as Reverend Father Raymond GOUDJO of BENIN in Rome and signed in my native land, BENIN Republic, during the visit of Pope Benedict during his visit...

Fr Raymond GOUDJO is the founder of Chants D'Oiseaux (Birds' Song), a Beninese institute that was created to promote Justice & Peace (IAJP - Institut des Artisans de Justice & de  Paix)...First in its kind in BENIN Republic by a clergy, this state of the art institute is made of hotels, conference & dining rooms, restaurant, St Christophe Cyber, and a Chapel...

Well, on reading this Encyclical, many a times, I found myself reflecting on certain passages such as, and I quote:

par 55. "...Women in Africa make a great contribution to the family, to society and to the Church by their many talents and unique gifts..." 

par 58. "...You, Catholic women, carry on the Gospel tradition of those women who assisted Jesus and the apostles (cf. Lk 8:3)...."

par 59. "...Dear daughters of the Church, sit constantly at the school of Christ, like Mary of Bethany, and learn to recognize his word (cf. Lk 10:39). Grow in knowledge of the catechism and the Church’s social teaching, so as to acquire for yourselves the principles that will assist you in acting as true disciples... The Church will always support you... The Church counts on you to create a “human ecology”[97] through your sympathetic love, your friendly and thoughtful demeanour, and finally through mercy, values that you know how to instil in your children, values that the world so badly needs. In this way, by the wealth of your specifically feminine gifts..."

par 60."...Young people make up the majority of Africa’s population... Is not Christ the secret of true freedom and profound joy of heart? Is not Christ the supreme friend and the teacher of all genuine friendship? If Christ is presented to young people as he really is, they experience him as an answer that is convincing and they can accept his message, even when it is demanding and bears the mark of the Cross..."

par 64."...The future is in the hands of those who find powerful reasons to live and to hope. If you want it, the future is in your hands, because the gifts that the Lord has bestowed upon each one of you, strengthened by your encounter with Christ, can bring genuine hope to the world..." 

par 65."...If we let Christ into our lives, we lose nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing of what makes life free, beautiful and great. No! Only in this friendship are the doors of life opened wide. Only in this friendship is the great potential of human existence truly revealed ... Dear young people: Do not be afraid of Christ! He takes nothing away, and he gives you everything. When we give ourselves to him, we receive a hundredfold in return. Yes, open, open wide the doors to Christ – and you will find true life..."

par 67. "...This being the case, how can we fail to deplore and forcefully denounce the intolerable treatment to which so many children in Africa are subjected?[107] The Church is Mother and could never abandon a single one of them. It is our task to let Christ’s light shine in their lives by offering them his love, so that they can hear him say to them: “You are precious in my eyes, and honoured, and I love you” (Is 43:4). God wants every child to be happy and to smile, and his favour rests upon them, “for to such belongs the kingdom of God” (Mk 10:14)..."

par 68."...Christ Jesus always manifested his preferential love for the little ones (cf. Mk 10:13-16)... What, indeed, is meant by these words: “unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 18:3)? Does not Jesus make the child a model, even for adults? ... Heaven is promised to all who are simple, like children, to all who, like them, are filled with a spirit of trusting abandonment, pure and rich in goodness... "

par 69."... In the African worldview, life is perceived as something that embraces and includes ancestors, the living and those yet to be born, the whole of creation and all beings: those that speak and those that are mute, those that think and those lacking thought. The visible and invisible universe is regarded as a living-space for human beings, but also as a space of communion where past generations invisibly flank present generations, themselves the mothers of future generations. This great openness of heart and spirit in the African tradition predisposes you, dear brothers and sisters, to hear and to receive Christ’s message..."

To be continued...

Your Imperial Highness, Princess Fanny Magnificat V of the Kingdoms of Danxome, FulBE, Savalou, and the Empires of NIKKI & OUIDAH, Benin Republic. Benino - Canadian Cooperant established in the Kingdom of CANADA.

For more on where to obtain my writings, 

visit my channel youtube @YIHPrincessFannyMagnificatV


Tuesday 11 April 2023

And so, the Poetria in me replied...

   If Paul Newmann's wife  can buy him a ROLEX watch  worth $17,600,000 USD... How much do you think the thoughts of a writer should be worth?  

 If someone can buy and gift the late Queen Elizabeth II with a $26,000,000 USD watch... How much should a writer's thoughts be worth?

 If Drake  can afford to buy a $1,050,000 USD Richard Miles watch... How much should a writer's words be worth?

 If Pharrell Williams  can buy a watch worth at least  $6.500,000 USD... How much should a writer's words be worth?

 If actress Anika NONI can buy designer Stuart Weitzman's Diamonds Dream Stilettos' for  $500,000 USD... Tell me how much would you have advised me to charge others this rich poetry collection of mine for?

  If actress Regina KING can purchase $1,000,000 Marilyn Monroe Shoes by Stuart Weitzman, how much do you think "Making Wise History" should cost?

 If Stuart Weitzman can present a pair of $2,000,000 Stilettos SHOES in a LIBRARY in N.Y.C,  how much would you have advised my book to sell for again?

  If Princess Yasmin Aga Khan can buy shoes inspired by her mother for $3,000,000 USD? How much should a writer's work be worth?

  If Debbie Wingham can order High Heels for her own birthday from Shoemaker Chris Campbell for $15,100,000 USD... How much should a writer's work be worth?

I am gifted...
I am a writer... 
I am a reader...
I am a poetria...
I am a speaker... 
I am a negotiator...
I am a businesswoman too, 
but one does not overshadow the other...
I am the first marketer of my own art...
I am...